To grow special talent & holistic approach in students we have a branch of Rotary Club for young students i.e. INTERACT CLUB where young students interact with one another & organise various co-curricular activities for the welfare of the poor & backward section of the society.
Heritage Club

To inculcate and develop the skills of speech making and to enhance the knowledge of historical and geographical data sourcing a Heritage Club is established in KCM where every day children share their views while learning to communicate in a most efficient way.
Eco Club

Our Eco Club has achieved a remarkable success in a short time in making students aware of the damage done to our environment and means to stop further damage.
Performing Arts

Students of KCM participate in singing and dance competition organized by various institutions and cultural organizations at district and state level. Every year our students also participate in dance competition on the occasion of Republic Day where the theme of competition is national integrity and consolidation..